Mobile Dictation News

Tue 22 May 18

Getting smarter with your smartphone

These days, you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who’s not using a smartphone. On top of that, as apps like Siri and Cortana get more sophisticated, more and more of those smartphone users are turning to mobile voice technology.

Thu 17 May 18

Watch Andy Clark, ICT Manager on why he chose SpeechWrite

Andy Clark, ICT manager, talks us through his new Digital Dictation and Voice Recognition workflow solution at Wansbroughs. Andy gives a unique perspective on how the project unfolded detailing key requirements he considered when choosing the system and how SpeechWrite was the favoured solution for the firm. He makes a particular note of how SpeechWrite's support team "is a breath of fresh air with the way a lot of people have taken their support desks."

Thu 17 May 18

Alex Kilby testimonial video

Following a successful implementation of a Digital Dictation and Voice Recognition solution, Devonalds' Partner, Alex Kilby, talks us through his experiences using the system. One of the main benefits which Alex identified was the consistency the solution promoted within the firm. Alex stated that "SpeechWrite has given us a lot more consistency across the firm... In particular, it enables transcriber or secretaries to pick up work from other offices which then eases the workload across the firm."

Mon 09 April 18

Choose the right mobile dictation solution for your workflow

You’re in your car, and your last meeting ran over, so you’re running a few minutes behind. In your head, you are thinking through a list of everything you have to do, including taking notes about today’s meeting – “Remember that new budget number the client gave you! Tell Bob about the update to the contracts we talked about. Schedule the follow-up meeting.”

Mon 20 November 17

Legal eagles embrace move towards agile working

A survey into agile and flexible working across the legal sector has revealed that over 70% of respondents believe that agile working practices utilising digital dictation and voice recognition promote smarter and more efficient ways of working, while nearly one in four believes it leads to a better work-life balance.

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